- They are sites you can create to publish your reflections,interests,concerns and other issues you would like bloggers to see ,read and comment on.They are useful in saving data you need to revise. Their most important characteristics is that you can moderate comments reflects.
Uses of blogs are almost limitless.

- They can be used for anything that involves communicating or publishing information on the world wide web.Common uses include teaching and educational use.
- Common benefits for education:
- Promote autonomous learning by providing opportunities for students to take more control of their learning.
- Motivate students to become better readers and writers.
- Promotes discussion among students.
- Encourage the use of the internet and the web among students and teachers.
2- Google Docs and forms:
Docs as well as Forms are very beneficial in the educational process.Using Google Docs help us edit our documents and save them to google drive easily. When we create google forms we can ask questions,edit and share our forms.Besides when we get responses ,we can analyze them and load all answers in files.Forms help us manage event registrations and create a quick opinion poll.They also help us create and analyze surveys right away in our mobiles or web browser where no special software is required.We can get instant results as they come in. We can summarize survey results at a glance with charts and graphs.
3-Webinars are particularly effective in bringing people and their perspective together.They are
quite convenient and help understand concepts and establish
agreements.Everyone has a voice in a conference ,including those

watching it.You're presenting and sharing ideas in a Forum of like-minded people,building upon them and even widening your viewpoints of the world around you.
4-Padlets :are electronic tools that are similar to google drive.They make communication closer .
Students read and interact .They can like/dislike , rate or grade .Its an activity that helps students reflect,brainstorm ideas and share each others ideas.

5-Web quest:It's something different.Students get to use technology,which they like and they can zone in on sites to look for information rather than search the net aimlessly.They can go at their own pace,so they don't feel pressured to complete the task.They investigate an issue through their view and are more responsible for their own learning.Thus, they construct deeper understanding of content.

6-Activinspire: is a new software that can be used by anyone.It can be used with a white board,computer or projector.Your students can be engaged in the teaching learning process.The software is incredibly intuitive and makes it easy to create amazing interactive lessons.The lessons can be saved and shared among colleagues.
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