According to research the class is full of decisions,one decision for 2/3 minutes of teaching.
Each decision is preceded by assessment which is a process of collecting data that guides a teacher to make decisions about his teaching and provides students with information to make decisions about their learning.These decisions are classified into many categories such as placement decisions,classification decisions,selection decisions.In this post I would like to explain one important kind which is instructional decisions.
Instructional decisions are decisions teachers make about students every class period and they are classified into three parts.

B-Decisions while teaching.
C-Decisions after teaching.
A-Decisions before teaching include the information obtained from the answers to these questions:
1-What content do I need to cover during the assigned period of time?
2-What students abilities or backgrounds do I have to take into consideration when I plan my teaching?
3-What materials are appropriate for me to use in teaching this lesson?
4-What learning activities will students be engaged in during the lesson?
5-What learning objectives do I want my students to achieve at the end of my teaching?
6-How should I organize and arrange the students in class for my teaching?
B-Decisions while teaching are based on the data gathered from answers to these questions:
1-Is my lesson going well?Are my students catching well?
2-What should I do to make this activity/lesson work better?
3-What feedback should I give to my students about how well they are learning?

C-Decisions after teaching a segment are final decisions that evaluate the teaching process.
1-How well are my students achieving the short and long term objectives?
2-What strengths and weaknesses will I report to each student and his parents?
3-What grade should I give to each student after finishing a unit?
4-How effectively did I teach this material?
5-How effective are the curriculum and the materials I used?
The data obtained from all the questions presented above can provide the teacher and the students with relevant information,evaluating both performance and achievement.
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